Prefeitura Municipal de São Jorge/RS
Site Oficial do Poder Executivo Municipal de São Jorge/RS Comissão de Controle InternoDepartamento de AlmoxarifadoJunta MilitarSec. Mun. da Educação, Cultura, Turismo, Desporto e LazerSec. Mun. de AdministraçãoSec. Mun. de Agricultura e Meio AmbienteSec. Mun. de Assistência Social, Habitação e Emprego - CRASSec. Mun. de Finanças, Indústria, Comércio e ServiçosSec. Mun. de Obras, Serviços Viários e TrânsitoSec. Mun. de Saúde Vigilância SanitáriaConselho TutelarPoder LegislativoCIDADÃOPortal da TransparênciaNFS-e Emissão de Nota Fiscal de Serviço EletrônicaCND - Certidão Negativa de DébitosAUTOATENDIMENTO - Serviços OnlineOuvidoriaServiço de Informação ao CidadãoDevolve ICMSTCE - Controle SocialPrevisão do Tempo para São Jorge/RSLista de Inscritos em Dívida Ativa - Receita Estadual RS PIT - Programa de Integração Tributária Facebook Prefeitura São JorgeLICITAÇÕESLicitações e Contratos - LicitaConPortal de Licitações - CittàLicitação - Adesão à ata de registro de preços de outro órgãoLicitação - Chamada Pública PNAELicitação - Chamamento PúblicoLicitação - Chamamento Público de CredenciamentoLicitação - ConcorrênciaLicitação - ConviteLicitação - DispensaLicitação - InexigibilidadeLicitação - LeilãoLicitação - Pregão EletrônicoLicitação - Pregão PresencialLicitação - Tomada de PreçosPlano Anual de ContrataçãoLEGISLAÇÃOCONCURSOSConcurso PúblicoProcesso de SeleçãoProcesso Seletivo SimplificadoPUBLICAÇÕESCONTATO
Prefeitura Municipal de São Jorge/RS
Endereço: Avenida Daltro Filho, Nº901 Centro - CEP 95.365-000 São Jorge/RS
E-mail: [email protected]
Atendimento Prefeitura: 07:30 às 11:30 13:00 às 17:00 (segunda a sexta-feira)
Perguntas frequentes
What is a login account?
In computing, a logon is a procedure that enables an entity to access a secure system such as an operating system, application, service, website or other resource. The entity is typically an end user, although it can also be another system, such as a computer, service or application.
What is a login account?
In computing, a logon is a procedure that enables an entity to access a secure system such as an operating system, application, service, website or other resource. The entity is typically an end user, although it can also be another system, such as a computer, service or application.
What is a web login?
A Web Login is a drupal-based authentication mechanism which is usually implemented when external users need to access the Dashboard on the Dash Portal. One use case may be external contractors who need to access certain tasks in a case.Jan 9, 2024
What is a web login?
A Web Login is a drupal-based authentication mechanism which is usually implemented when external users need to access the Dashboard on the Dash Portal. One use case may be external contractors who need to access certain tasks in a case.Jan 9, 2024
What is a web login?
A Web Login is a drupal-based authentication mechanism which is usually implemented when external users need to access the Dashboard on the Dash Portal. One use case may be external contractors who need to access certain tasks in a case.Jan 9, 2024
What is a login account?
In computing, a logon is a procedure that enables an entity to access a secure system such as an operating system, application, service, website or other resource. The entity is typically an end user, although it can also be another system, such as a computer, service or application.
What is a web login?
A Web Login is a drupal-based authentication mechanism which is usually implemented when external users need to access the Dashboard on the Dash Portal. One use case may be external contractors who need to access certain tasks in a case.Jan 9, 2024
What is a login account?
In computing, a logon is a procedure that enables an entity to access a secure system such as an operating system, application, service, website or other resource. The entity is typically an end user, although it can also be another system, such as a computer, service or application.
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